Monday, January 10, 2011


It seems that no matter how hard I try, I am always busy and never seem to be able to do the things that I am really passionate about.  For those of you who know me know that I am in Bible College right now in a small town in Saskatchewan.  I am definitely passionate about God - that's no lie, but I am also very passionate about crafts.  Sewing, baking, painting, drawing, crochet and knitting etc.  If you name it, I probably can do it, and if I can't then I will usually figure out how to do it.

Zipper Jewelry that I make

You know the phrase "I'd rather be golfing/fishing"?  Well, most of the time I'd rather be crafting.  

I am enjoying Bible College and I am growing and learning (I really feel strongly of the importance of a degree in this society) but at the same time, I tend to question why God gave me the gift of the arts if I am not suppose to use them for something.  Is this just a hobby for me?  Or could this eventually be something that I could do full time?  Maybe a counsellor/clothing designer duo? Ha! . . .   Whatever it is, I continue to work at my talent and hope and pray that it will pay off somehow.

These pictures were from the summer. (I chopped my hair short this last fall)  I crocheted these and sold a few but I didn't update my shop much (one of my problems :D ). . . Maybe I'll try putting these up again soon.

Right now, I am working on some designs made from upcycled t-shirts.  I have so many ideas on paper, which is another one of my problems. . .  I get WAY too many ideas on paper and get overwhelmed with where to start and what will actually work and what won't.  I did make a couple "first drafts" and they need a bit of tweaking, but I think they look great!  They are fun and different.  Plus, they are all One Of A Kind - so you'll never have something that anyone else has! 

Anyway, I thought that I should post this blog because I haven't blogged since October (oops :D) I don't want to do that anymore!  Blogging often and taking more time to craft are two of my new year's resolutions.  So keep posted people!  I'd love to hear your feedback on my ideas.  What would you wear that was handmade?